
منهج مادة الميكروبيولوجي شعبة المعامل بالدراسات التخصصية

منهج الميكروبيولوجي  
الفرقة الأولي شعبة معامل
الدراسات التخصصية

Structure of bacterial cells:
Size, Shape, and Arrangement of bacterial cells:
Morphology and arrangement of bacterial cells are criteria used for classification of bacteria into following groups:
  1. Cocci (Singular: coccus).
  2. Rods (bacilli), (Singular: rod, bacillus).
  3. Vibrios (Singular: vibrio).
  4. Spirilla (singular :Spirillum)
  5. Spirochetes. (Singular: Spirochaete).
 1. Cocci:
 These are round or oval bacteria measuring about 0.5-1.0 micrometer in
  diameter. When they multiplying, cocci may form pairs, chains, or  irregular groups.
Cocci in pairs are called diplococci, for example, meningococci
 and gonococci.
 Cocci in chains are called streptococci, for example Streptococcus  pyogens.
Cocci in irregular groups are called Staphytococci, for example, Staphylococcus aureus.
2. Rods (bacilli):
These are stick-like bacteria with rounded, square, or swollen ends. They measure 1-10 micrometer in length by 0.3-1.0 micrometer in width.
It may arranged in:
A- Chains, for example, Streptobacillus species.
B- Branching chains, for example, lactobacilli .
C- Mass together, for example, Mycobacterium leprae.
D- Remain attached at various angles resembling Chinese  letters, for example, Corynebacterium diphtheria.
These are small slightly curved rods measuring 3-4 micrometer 
 in length by 0.5 micrometers in width.
 Most vibrios are motile with a single flagellum at one end.
 They show a rapid darting motility.
 For example:
vibrio cholerae.
These are flexible, coiled, motile organism, 6-20 micrometer in length.
 They progress by rapid body movements.
 Spirochetes are divided into three main groups:
 A- Treponemes.             B- Borreliae.              C- Leptospires
Introduction to Microbiology
46-11        Describe how to culture specimen in the medical office.
46-12 Explain how cultures are interpreted.
46-13 Describe how to perform an antimicrobial sensitivity determination.
46-14 Explain how to implement quality control measures in the microbiology laboratory

When microorganisms are pathogenic in nature or displaced from their natural environment, they cause infections and disease
You will learn:
·       Processes in identifying microorganisms
·       Culture medias used
·       Antimicrobial testing
·       Quality control
You must understand different life forms of microorganisms, how they may be identified, and how to teach proper collection techniques for common specimens

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عن ِAlasry

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